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GM looks past Chevy Volt, committed to new energy vehicle market in China

Author:    Time:2012-08-17 (Shanghai August 17) - Despite the Chevrolet Volt not living up to its commercial expectations, GM is dedicated to the market for new energy vehicles in China, Economic Observer News reported today, citing statements made by GM China's Executive Director of Electrification Strategy Ray Bierzynski.

The Volt hybrid (pictured) received a great deal of attention at the time of its Chinese release late last year. Alongside the Nissan Leaf pure electric, the Volt was one of the most talked about new energy vehicles last year. However, due to import duties, the Volt carries a price tag of about $40,000 in China, twice the amount it costs in the US. The high price tag has severely limited its sales in the country.

In a recent interview on the topic, Mr. Bierzynski acknowledged that the Volt's performance in China has left much to be desired. However, he stated that GM was still committed to bringing over other pure electric and electric hybrid vehicles to China.

Mr. Bierzynski explained that GM's commitment to the Chinese new energy vehicle market comes from the government's plans to have five million pure electrics and hybrid vehicles on the country's roads by 2020. To this end, the government has already sped up the construction of charging stations and other necessary infrastructure. However, he was quick to point out that GM currently has no plans to manufacture the Volt in China.

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